Wednesday, March 11, 2009

daylight model

this was a group project that required us to build a daylight model using inspirations of a renowned designer/architect. other physical requirements were:

  • 3/4"=1' scale
  • 20'w x 35'l x 15'h
  • matte white material; excellent craft
  • should include a place for large groups of people, sharing information, socializing, quiet contemplation, spiritual stimulation, intimacy, and escape.

we achieved multilateral daylighting through the use of 4 types of openings in this model, which in total create a space for both gathering and quiet contemplation. the impact of this combination of lighting is diverse within the space but is unified through the structures that create this day lit atmosphere.

our group chose 3 designers: le corbusier--ronchamp; Jorn Utson--bagsvaerd church; and santiago calatrava--tgv station, lyon.

the ribbed, sculptural elements, inspired by calatrava's work, serve as structural support, and create solids and voids.the arched light shelf spanning through the model was inspired by jorn utzon.

the smaller arches within the larger arches create a more intimate space for smaller gatherings or quiet contemplation.

the beveled window on the west facade which diffuses light was inspired by le corbusier. a perfect place to escape.